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Get rid of it!

July 27, 2010

I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it a thousand more times before I die. Clutter is bad – mentally as well as the obvious physical impact of it.

Now I’m not talking about the ‘organised mess’ of a desk or office where you’ve developed your sophisticated filing system and know where to find everything. Or the ‘bomb site’ look you achieve whilst trying to find the right outfit. I’m talking about the clutter that’s made you forget what colour your carpet is.

A cluttered room is said (by those mysterious people who ‘say’ things) to be a reflection of your state of mind. Do you find it hard to relax in your cluttered space – there’s a good reason for it.

If you’ve found yourself swamped by ‘stuff’ and aren’t sure where or how to start the clear up, let me help you start the process:

1. Control your post – bills, letters, magazines they just keep coming. Best thing to do is deal with them as soon as you get them. Circulars, random letters and junk mail, put them straight into the recycling bin, but remember to shred anything with your name and/or personal details on it. Magazines, straight into your magazine rack/storage space (you don’t have a dedicated space – get one).

2. No pile zone – piles have a horrible way of multiplying, a little one soon turns into a big one, then there’s another one and another one and so it goes on. If you know you have trouble clearing things away, don’t start a pile in the first place!

3. Clear those cupboards – most hoarders start by hiding things away and shutting the door hoping it will somehow go away. Obviously it won’t because nothing’s that easy! Take everything out and put items back one by one. With every item ask yourself – do I really need it, have I used it recently, when the answer is no then in the bin/recycling/charity shop pile it goes.

4. Whittle your wardrobe – this is something I do at least every 6 months and it’s so therapeutic (honest it is). If you haven’t worn it in living memory/ have never worn it/ it doesn’t fit/ you could never imagine yourself in it again/you forgot you owned it/ you have 4 of the same item – then get rid!! If the clothes are still in good condition then send them to your local charity shop. If they’re unworn maybe you could sell or swap them. You should be left with a pared down functional wardrobe filled with things you actually wear.

“Be ruthless with your possessions – you cannot afford to waste any space on redundant clutter. Take everything out of your home and only put back the things you need or love. You will be surprised at how much space you save and how good you feel” – Sir Terence Conran

It doesn’t matter what you decide to do first – just do something to unclutter your life, you’ll feel better for it I promise!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. August 17, 2010 15:25



  1. I love… sideboards | DecorByDesign

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